
Knowing your Alsatian Shepalutes Standards of the Breed -- The Alsatian Shepalute is a companion dog selectively bred out of the working and herding dog breeds that were recognized as pure of breed by the registry clubs around the world. The Alsatian Shepalutes’ pedigrees may be traced back to the very first dogs recognized with those kennel and registry clubs. Knowing something of the background of the dog breeds that have gone into the making this new breed of dog will help the new Alsatian Shepalute owner understand his pup. And then again all Alsatian owners should understand that those breeds that went into the making of this new breed were used only for a particular character that would enhance the Alsatian Shepalute towards its own completely distinctive identity. That means that in the development of this new breed, pups that exhibited traits of the working dog or herding dogs were not desired. Only certain pups were selected to continue in the breeding that exhibited the desired traits of a family companion dog. Absolutely no hyperness was tolerated. Therefore all the hyper dogs found homes. They were not used in any of these breedings. All puppies that whined or cried too much were also not bred. Selective breeding such as this begins to form a different character than that of the dogs who were used in the beginning of the breeding program. The new and desired character and its physical makeup are written down in the following descriptions or standards for this breed.

General appearance -- The Alsatian Shepalute is a powerful, strong-willed, well muscled, alert animal. He is well balanced, slightly longer than tall, with a definite impression of masculine or feminine. His look is that of intelligence with a bit of secrecy in his yellow stare. He is a large wolf looking dog that comes in many different colors with the predominate color of coat being a wolf-gray.

Character --- The Alsatian Shepalute is fearless and bold but not hostile, moving in a sleek manner sniffing the air currants. He is self-confident, poised and inquisitive. The Alsatian is never nervous, but with a more solid and laid back temperament of curiosity. The Alsatian Shepalute is a dignified, loyal and devoted family companion dog.

Head -- The Head of an Alsatian indicates a high degree of intelligence. It is broad and large sloping slightly from between the yellow eyes down to the deep black nose. Closely resembling the wolf of yester years. The Alsatian Shepalute should have a short coat of hair on the head, face and legs.

The coat should begin to lengthen as it starts down the neck to the shoulders where the hair is the longest.

Muzzle --- His muzzle should be large, his Lips are close fitting and deep black in color with large white teeth. The upper and lower jaws should be broad with his large teeth closing in a scissor bite. The total muzzle should be slightly longer than the head is deep.

Eyes --- His eyes are an almond shape, medium to small, and set obliquely. Yellow or light brown in color with that look that makes him unique, the wolfish stare. A large round eye is a major disqualification.

Ears --- His ears are triangular in shape and slightly rounded at the tips. They are set wide apart on the outside back edges of the skull. The ears are wedge-shaped, erect and small in comparison to the head as well as tipped with black hairs (the blacker the better) to form an outline around the ear. When alerted his ears turn forward. When shamed his ears will turn side ways and laid back.

Forequarters --- The shoulders should be slightly sloping, heavy and muscular without any tendency to looseness of shoulders. The feet are large, heavy, round and compact with well-arched toes. His Leg bones are straight to his pasterns, which are short, and strong being bent only slightly. They should have black pads on the bottom of their feet with black toenails. The Black coloring may extend upward from the pads into the leg. The forelegs are heavily boned and set wide apart because of the width of the chest.

Feet ---- The feet are very large with compact toes, well-arched pads, thick and tough. He is sure footed even when stalking.

Neck --- The neck is well muscled strong and powerful. It is short in length thick in circumference. The carriage of the head is forward and in line or slightly higher than the shoulders.

Teeth ---- His teeth are large and come together in a Scissor bite. Never overshot or undershot.

Coat --- The outer coat is moderately coarse. It is thicker during the winter months. Not too long. Moderately dense, slightly oily and slightly wooly. Thicker fur around the neck. Moderately short to medium along the sides of the body with the length of the coat increasing somewhat around shoulders and neck, down the back and over the rump. The coat is shorter thinner during the summer months. As the undercoat almost entirely sheds out.

The coat becomes thick and woolly again during the winter months. The head, inner ears, fore-face, legs and paws should be covered with short hair. Faults in coat include soft, silky, too long outer coat, too wooly and or curly.

Puppy coats have a thick undercoat with few guard hairs tipped with black. This puppy coat will shed out and the adult coat will come in coarser. All puppies lighten in color as they get older. All puppies have a dark dorsal strip with a black triangle mark over the scent gland area on their tails.

Black muzzles lighten up around the eyes with the nose always staying black. All pups should be born with black noses and dark skin.

Hindquarters ---The Shepalute is broad and powerfully muscled through the thighs. His stifles are moderately bent. His hocks should be set back and wide apart. Parallel when viewed from the rear. The legs of the Shepalute must indicate an unusual strength and tremendous propelling power. Any indication of unsoundness in legs or feet standing or moving is to be considered a serious fault.

Tail ---The tail is set moderately high and reaching to the hocks or a little below. Never sweeping, curling or long. Shorter is more acceptable than longer. The tail should be wide at the root, tapering to the end. The tail should be well furred, but not too long, hanging down when at rest and not curved. Carried high when working or excited yet never curling tightly over the back.

The tail should also never go under the body or between the legs. When sleeping the tail may be curled around the body for warmth.

Color and markings --- All colors are permitted. Timber wolf gray is the most desirable. Noses always stay black and the skin is dark in pigmentation. Ears are outlined in black as well as the tip of the tail. Muzzles can be white or cream.

Size --- No shorter than 24 inches and sometimes getting up to 28 inches from the shoulders to the ground. Weight should appear heavy due to the large bones. Side view movements to evaluate strength of back, reach, balance and top line. The propulsion should come from the hindquarters while the front takes the thrust, balance and coordination. The overall length of the dog is to be slightly longer than tall because of the chest and the tail.

Gait --- The gait denotes power and strength and is very important for the overall look of the dog. The rear legs should have drive, while the forelegs should track smoothly with good reach, but never a high step. In motion, the legs move straightforward. As the dog’s speed increases from a walk to a trot, the feet move in under the centerline of the body to maintain balance. The back feet pass the front paw marks left in the dirt. The fast walk is smooth and the topline hardly moves, but glides along with the dog. The dog’s head should be in line with his body or slightly higher, but never jetting and pulling the owner with unleashed energy. Cautious, yet never nervous nor afraid.

Judging --- Important in judging Shepalutes is their resemblance to the large Dire wolf. A large heavy boned animal with a large head and large feet. A powerfully built dog with sound legs, good feet, deep chest, powerful shoulders, steady, balanced and sleeking. A quiet dog that is alert to its surroundings and quiet in its stalking. Alsatian Shepalutes should not be hyper. They are a calm dog, their eyes not missing anything. Their ears aware of the smallest sounds. Never nervous, but may be cautious. Loud noises do not make this dog bolt. The eyes should appear to look right through you.

Absolutely no part of these animals should be altered including dewclaws being removed, haircuts, nose blackened or coat colored.

In judging Shepalutes for any kinds of shows, testing of the dogs must be preformed as follows:

1. Starting pistol shots shall be fired 3 times. Dogs must not bolt or run away. Dogs may crouch slightly. The dog’s body may express concern. Dogs may give a throaty growl. A competing show dog may not bark.

2. A stranger must pass each dog two feet away from the dog’s front view. The stranger must not look at the dog’s face. Dogs may lean forward to sniff the air currant, wag their tail or look for owner/handler approval.

3. The judge must not startle competing dogs. The judge must not threaten the dog in any way. Dogs may stare the judge down. Owner/handlers must be in control of their dogs or be disqualified. If a Judge feels threatened by any dog at any time the judge may decide to disqualify that dog. Dogs must accept an unthreatening stranger without barking, growling or biting.

4. All shows must be video taped for fairness and in case of conflicts.

Serious faults --- Shyness, Small heads, round or brown eyes, pink nose, noisy, splay footedness, weak legs, cow hocks, bad pasterns, straight shoulders, lightness of bone, over-angulated. Legs should move in straight lines coming and going. Dogs may gait sideways and not be faulted. Never nervous or shy.

Scale of points for the Alsatian Shepalute

General character and intelligence 20

Face and muzzle 15

Eyes 11

Forelegs and feet 10

Back, loins and flanks 10

Hind legs and feet 10

Height and substance 5

Skull 5

Ear 5

Tail 4

Chest and ribs 3

Coat and color 2

Total points 100


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