
The Alsatian Shepalute Registry has been in existence since 1988, then under the name of the North American Shepalute club.

The Alsatian Shepalute Registry only registers Alsatian Shepalutes and is concerned solely with the validity of the registration information submitted and certified by the applicant thus keeping our full efforts directly on and towards this breed. We do feel that only such a registry can offer complete alliance to the breed.

Our objective is to adopt and enforce uniform rules and regulations for persons interested in exhibiting, running, breeding, registering, purchasing and selling Alsatian Shepalutes.

Ÿ To detect, prevent and punish frauds in connection therewith.


Ÿ To protect the interest of its members in which rules and regulations have been designed to carry out these objectives.

We recognize and work together with the Alsatian Shepalute Club towards the betterment of the breed and open a sincere invitation to any individual who can produce proper and legal proof of the purity of their dog as being that of the Alsatian Shepalute.

We look forward to your membership. Please do not hesitate to call on us if you have any questions or concerns.

Jennifer L. A. Kingsley


Contact us at our e-mail address:

Our registry service is available to those clients who own an Alsatian Shepalute of recognized pure lineage. This is a unique identification system, which compiles a complete profile on each and every pet registered for its entire lifetime when the buyer of an Alsatian Shepalute registers his animal with our club. The names of the sire and dam in addition to the dog itself are permanently recorded in our files. The dogs are assigned registration numbers, which in turn are forwarded to the breeder. These assigned numbers are permanent and always thereafter recognized by this club.

Rules Applying to Registration

1. The purpose of the A.S.R. is to certify the pedigree of purebred dogs registered with the club.

2. The A.S.R. is concerned solely with the validity of registration information submitted and certified by the applicant.

3. Complaints must be made in writing.

4. The A.S.R. does not arbitrate complaints concerning quality, size, conformation and disposition. (These are club matters and responsibilities).

5. The complainant must pursue all litigation concerning such.

In the interest of preserving the purity and integrity of the breed the A.S.R. strongly suggests that applicants voice their opinions at club meetings. Our jurisdiction is limited to the practices to be followed in order to ensure proper identification of dogs registered with the A.S.R. The fact that an animal is registered does not, of itself, guarantee its quality or health.

The A.S.R. was formed principally for the protection and advancement of the ALSATIAN SHEPALUTE.

Please be sure to read the applications over carefully before filling them out so that you understand what information will be needed.

The sire and dam must be registered before you can register the litter. The owner of the dam at the time of breeding may submit the enclosed applications.

A photograph of your dog must accompany the application and will not be returned to the sender.

General Information of Single Registration

The A.S.R. certificate is distinctive evidence of a purebred dog, thus identifying it as such. It also indicates that the animal's present owner is on record as well as the owners of the sire and dam and the names of the dog's ancestors.

1. All applications for single registration must be made on A.S.R. application forms, which will be furnished free and will not be returned to applicant.

2. If the applicant is unable to fill out the blank application complete in every detail, this shall constitute doubtful breeding and the dog will not be accepted for registration.

3. The A.S.R. offices are a separate and distinct registration office and have no connection with any other registration office whatsoever.

4. The information of this application is the sole responsibility of the individual signing it.

The A.S.R. reserves the right to correct or revoke any registration certificate issued. Any misrepresentation of this application is cause for cancellation and may result in loss of all A.S.R. privileges for those individuals who violate the integrity of this application. We reserve the right to change any and all rules, fees, etc. without notice, anytime conditions warrant it.

Application for a Alsatian Shepalute Single Dog Registry Registration fee: The fee for single registration is $10.00

Mail to : Alsatian Shepalute Registry

2080 Antelope Rd. Suite 334

White City, OR 97503

Office use only { }

Date. Received { } attach photos here

Fee { }

Date of birth _____Color ________Tattoo or brand________

Print dog’s name __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

Owner of sire at time of breeding______________________

Owner of dam at time of breeding______________________

Sire _____________________ number ____________

Dam _____________________ number ____________

(If the sire and/or dam are registered give their complete names and registration numbers.)

This is to certify that this pedigree is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Sign name ____________________________________

Print owner’s name_______________________________

Street _______________________________________

City ___________________State ______ zip _________

Telephone number ______________________

email _____________________

Application for Alsatian Shepalute Registration for a Whole Litter

Fee for registering a litter $25.00

Mail to: The Alsatian Shepalute Registry

2080 Antelope Rd. Suite 334

White City, OR 97503

Name of sire ____________________ reg. no. _______ ATTACH PHOTO

Name of dam ____________________ reg. no. ______ ATTACH PHOTO

Owner of sire on date of mating fills out this section:

I certify the above dam was mated to the above sire on _______

Signature of owner of sire __________________________

Address ______________________________________

City, state ______________________________

Owner of dam on birth of litter fills out this section:

I certify that I was the owner of the above dam on the date of the litter. That the number of puppies in the litter as shown below are living and that this pedigree is to the best of my knowledge and belief true.

Signature of owner of dam __________________________

Print name of owner of dam _________________________

Address ____________________________

City_____________ State ____

Month of birth ______ day __ year ___

Males _____ females ______

Yes, put my name on the A.S.R. breeders list! I authorize the A.S.R. to give out my name, address and telephone number to prospective buyers looking for pups and stud service in my area. Include 10.00


email_________________ Telephone ________________

Application for Registration for a Whole Litter

To register a litter, fill out the litter application. Make certain that the registration numbers of the sire and dam are correct and with the correct ownership. You can make certain by checking the name and address on the front of both sire and dam’s registration certificates against the individual who has represented themselves as the owner.

We look forward to receiving your single dog and litter applications. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Forms available from the A.S.R. for a slight fee

1. Registration Certificate (duplicate copy)

2. Registration Fee for a Single Dog

3 Registration Application of a Litter

4. Lost Registration Papers (duplicate copy)

5. Name Change of Dog

6. Transfer of Ownership

7. Certified Pedigrees up to 20 generations

8. The Alsatian Shepalute Breeders Book

9. Breeding Practices and Principles

10. The Alsatian Shepalute Book

Corporate By-laws

1. The Alsatian Shepalute registry will work for the protection and advancement of the pure-bred Alsatian Shepalute.

2. Complaints of false information must be submitted in writing, and will get 45 days time to investigate and respond to such complaint.

3. Application for registration must be completed with all requested information and evidence of eligibility for registration must be submitted with such.

4. Application for a single dog must be accompanied with four pictures of the said dog. Front view, two side views and a rear view of said dog in a standing position. The photos will remain the property of the A.S.R. and will be permanently placed in your member’s file.

5. The sire and dam must be registered before a member will be allowed to register a litter. All requirements of the application must be met before a registration certificate of membership can be issued.


6. Litter registration and application for litter registration must be completed in full, making certain all registration numbers of the sire and dam. Applicant must check the name and address on the front of both the sire and dam’s registration certificate against that of the individual who has represented themselves as the owner. All applications must be received within six months of the whelping date. A picture of the whole litter must be accompanied plus a picture of each pup. The pictures will remain the property of the A.S.R. and will be permanently placed in your member’s file.

7. Breeders must keep records of the puppies sold and register them in a book providing the sire and dam’s name and registration numbers, the whelping date and the registration numbers of each puppy who has been sold.

8. Transfer of dog. The back of the issued certificate of registration must be completed to transfer a dog into another name and ownership along with the appropriate fee.



9. Most owners will change the dog’s name after you have sold them. Breeders sometimes use their own surnames and give them a male or female name, or if you prefer, you may use the kennel name where your dog is registered.

10. Inspections. The A.S.R. authorized representative has the right to inspect the records and practices and to examine any dog registered with the A.S.R.

11. Penalties. The A.S.R. may refuse any dog or litter or to record the transfer of any dog for sole reason that the records do not support the application required.

12. All registration records are kept confidential by the A.S.R. and any request for file information must be submitted in writing and signed by a member who is the owner of record.

13. The A.S.R. reserves the right to change any and all rules, fees, etc. without notice anytime conditions warrant such changes.

14 The A.S.R. stands firmly behind the constitutional rights of all individuals.

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