
Organization of the A.S.C.

Membership--- The most important element in the A.S.C. structure is its membership. I cannot stress this fact enough. Breed clubs who have joined large registration clubs have sacrificed their dogs to the world of fashion and breeding's with winning titles where the lives of humans and dogs alike are put on the line. Greed, jealousy, hate and discontent of fellowmen is hard enough in today's society without joining groups that bring such actions to the surface.

Jealous breeders poison other breeder’s dogs just to reach the top! Keeping this breed club solely run by its members and the owners of the Alsatians will guarantee that this breed will not rise to the level where such hatred amongst men thrives.

Management of the club is exerted in two ways as follows:

1. All members elect the officers and board of director‘s.

2. The basis for the operation is its by-laws, which are approved by the chief executive officer.

Board of directors--- The board consists of three officers, a president, vice president, and the directors. The members elect the officers at large. The board of director’s are responsible to the membership for the management of affairs. These are not salaried positions.

Mrs. Schwarz--- Mrs. Schwarz is the inventor of the breed legally. She is the sole judge of all Alsatian Shepalutes in comparison to the standards of the breed. She also is the sole judge of the quality of the offspring of all Alsatian Shepalutes until she passes on this position to a competent member of the club. Her function is in her ability to read Alsatian Shepalutes and to know which dogs should breed and which should not, in order to produce the offspring necessary to uphold the highest standards of this breed. As the quality assurance inspector so to speak, any dogs (bitches, puppies included) who shall carry the name "Alsatian Shepalutes" must be approved by her standards and will thus be given the official certificate of true quality of breeding.

Administration of the club

President---The president is the chairman of all meetings of the members and the board of directors and is an ex-officio member of all committees and councils. The president is the chief executive officer of the club and chairman of the board and has the same rights and privileges as usually vested in the office of president of similar organizations.

The function of the chief executive officer is to develop long-term goals for the club over a ten-year period and in consultation with the staff and the steering committee, develop the necessary plans to attain those goals. The chief executive officer promotes and encourages the aims and objects of the club. This is not a salaried position.

Secretary-treasurer---The Secretary-treasurer is the chief administrative officer who has general powers and duties of supervision and management and is responsible to the board for the day to day operation’s of the A.S.C. office, including the necessary financial and budgeting controls for the efficient management of the club.

The staff is divided into: Three sections as follow:

1. Administration

2. Registration Division

3. Shows and Trials Division

Administration Staff -- The secretary-treasurer directly manages the administrative staff. This area is responsible for the necessary preparations for the annual general meeting and all meetings of the board. The secretary-treasurer is the secretary of the board and with the help of the heads of registration and shows and trials division implements virtually all decisions of the board. There are however, certain decisions of the board that apply directly to councils and committees rather than to the administrative staff.

Registration Division---The registrar is responsible to the secretary-treasurer for the handling and processing of all applications and documents relating to registration records for purebred dogs. The duties of this division also include the following:

1. Working with the registration committee on all files requiring the consideration of that committee and is responsible for the implementation of its decisions which are reported to all members of the board.

2. Processing all applications for registration of kennel names. Maintaining master records of the membership. These records are updated yearly and address labels are provided for the mailing list.

Shows and Trials division-- This division is responsible to the secretary-treasurer for the following:

1. Operation of shows and trials and planning all work having to do with all that precedes and follows a show or trial.

2. Show and trial results and the final preparation of the material appearing in the A.S.C. Official section.

The division supervisor’s work closely with the councils and committees included with shows and trials.


Membership of the A.S.C. indicates positive support for the promotion of high quality dogs.

Members responsibilities:

To act in general for the welfare of the breed.

To be a responsible dog owner.

To know the breed and breed standards.



The Alsatian Shepalute club members and dog owners meet once a year in February over the Internet. For more information, Pamphlet's and booklets about these dogs and/or the club and how you may participate, please e-mail:

Or write to: Alsatian Shepalutes

2080 Antelope Rd. Suite 334

White City, OR 97503

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